Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Teeny Queeny just in time!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Well ya knew I had to do it!
This one is 4.5" ... I modeled her after one of John Darcy Noble's dolls. (Here she is posing with a picture of said doll from his book of antique dolls...
oh and her teensy 1" pull toy sheep was challenging, to say the least, oh my!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Teeny Queeny
'm having waaaay too much fun with these tiniest of creatures!
Somebody Stop me!
But I'm finding my eyes are not what they use to be, so am
having to use a magnifier, YIKES!! With that being said, please don't look too closely at her... just kiddin'. If she doesn't mind her little flaws well than
how can I?
Tiny Queen Anne will be on Ebay this evening(CLICK HERE to see)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Izannaha Walker style Doll! Wee bit of a thing....
I really have to keep a close eye on her! I will be much relieved to have someone else take over! If you'd like a challenge she may be just the ticket!
(Click on the picture to get a larger view of this teeny gal)
Hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!! NOW ON EBAY... CLICK HERE
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Minuscule Queen Anne
My hand looks huge! It really isn't I promise!
She's a handful alright,(in more ways than one, lol ! )
click on the picture to get a closer look..
I have discovered that it is really difficult to photograph such tiny beings!
We hope to go on ebay this evening, depending on if she cooperates
during her photo shoot or not ;-)
Will keep ya posted,
Thanks for visiting!!!
Nan and Anne
Just listed , you can click here to see if you'd like
Monday, October 26, 2009
Edward Tulane doll
I'd like you to meet my latest "Edward Tulane". The main character from the incredible book, "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate Dicamillo.
I've had so many requests for another, so here he is, in his finest.
Quite the gentlemen don't ya think? Click here if you'd like to visit him on ebay
If you'd like to be notified when another Edward becomes available please email me at: Papernan@msn.com
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Dolls enjoy dollhouses too!!!
wee bit of a thing here, 6.5" to be exact.... I love all things mini and I'll bet that is why I cannot get enough of these dollhouse sized Izzys. I have a collection of mini paper houses and this one is a copy from my original... She happens to have claimed it for her very own. Of course I was not able to say "no" to that face !
Click here to visit her on Ebay
Sunday, September 6, 2009
My smallest Izannah Walker yet !!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Printed Cloth Izannah Walker Doll and Lithograph Kitty
This little lady has been waiting forever and a day to have some attention paid to "just her"...
well I finally got around to dressing and photographing. She is almost as relieved as am I !!!
I have way to many irons in the fire at one time lately,,,, anyone else having this problem?
Hope everyone has some fun times planned for the upcoming Labor Day weekend!!! Share!
Thanks a million for stopping by!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A little Jane Austen anyone?
I'm drawn to the more simpler times.... how about you?
This lady just seems to evoke just such an era...
You can see her on Ebay by clicking here...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330354583377&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
Friday, August 7, 2009
Sad Izannah Walker doll
Why the long face?
Poor child won't tell me what the matter is!
Have you ever seen anything more pathetic?
I sure hope she will smile once she
finds a new family... Hoping to finish her
dress up by Sunday.
Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
~On her pedestal~ Another Wooden, Grodnertal Tuck Comb Doll
What is this dolly perched upon you ask?
Why it is her little presentation box....
If you look closely, (click on the pictures to enlarge) you can see a name on the sampler attached to the lid?
That is what I've named her... Please meet, Mary Susannah Causton, born in 1864. Wish I was aging as gracefully as she! ;-)
She just loves how it makes her feel when she is placed atop of this box. Like "Queen of the World!!!!"
She will be on Ebay (click here) this evening if all goes well.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Works in Progress and playing with Photobucket!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
OOPs I did it again !!
Nope not the song, but my confession..... I was asked to make a special order for
an Itty Izzy and ended up with twins, lol ! Here's the one that was
rejected, poor thing. I sure hope someone will give her a good home.
She is up for adoption this evening on Ebay. Click here if ya wanna take
a looky see.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wooden Tuck comb Doll
Would have been finished yesterday, but she insisted I make her a poke bonnet!
Well with that finally done, here she is showing it off, lol. She will be listed tonight on Ebay. CLICK HERE To visit her Auction
Friday, May 8, 2009
Grodner Tal Doll -Work in Progress
UPDATE::: Just had to snap a quick pic of my pretty bouquet and little Grodner Tal with her newly attached limbs. Life is Good!
Hope everyone had a Happy Mothers Day!!!
I've finally gotten around at trying my hand on a "Grodner Tal" Doll. These dolls were carved completely out of wood in the early 19th century..... I cheated and started with a wooden finial and tweaked it a bit or alot, lol! Sure wish I had a lathe! I'm making mine with a "tuck-comb" hairstyle.
I'm carving her little legs and arms from clothes pins. Not sure how to attach yet?
Here's a picture of her so far.... (you can barely see the photo of an original in background).
I'll try to snap some pics of her arms/legs a little later, but right now my camera battery is charging.
Thanks for visiting!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend too!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Packing my bathing dress?
I really like how this turned out... so thought I'd share...
It's a really cool way to display sand/shells or whatever bits and peices brought back from vacations.... And nope, no pics of me in my bathing dress, lol !!!
I"m outta here! We are headed for Florida in the morning and I just wanted to say Farewell to anyone who cares, lol!
We will be gone until the 26th. I sure hope I will be able to have access to a computer there, but not exactly sure .
Have a great week everyone!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Head Games ;-)
Just purchased a couple of books... "Anatomy of a Doll" and " Designing the Doll", authored by the late, great Susanna Oroyan, and could not be more thrilled. All her books are chockfull of creative ideas for dollmaking. They are so inspiring. I highly recommend them if you're in needing of a little push! I sure was, and these were just the ticket. I've been playing with different style "heads" for starters and cant wait to try more! My own head is exploding with ideas. Thankyou Susanna!
Anyway I sure hope you'll let me know what you think of these books and let me know what you have learned along the way! Let's play with dolls!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I go to check on my Queen Anne's auction and it miraculously disappeared!
I get an email from Ebay saying....
Unfortunately, we had to remove your listing because the following information violates our policy:
in title
Queen Anne Style
It is just so frustrating.
I've never had trouble using the word "style" before. I wonder if I should just put Queen Anne and leave out the style? Has anyone else
gone thru this? I'd love to hear about it and find out how you resolved?
Thanks so much for letting me vent.
I think I will just relist her tomorrow.
And I apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused my bidders too :-(
I've relisted with my fingers crossed!! Here she is (click here)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Curtsey for the Queen
Friday, March 6, 2009
Queen Anne
Monday, February 9, 2009
Milliner's Model
Who is that, peeking out from under her hat brim? Another Milliner's model?
I've been playing with my pattern for the body of the milliner's model doll. Milliners were not intended to sit, only to stand. I really like the way this one turned out. More intricate hands and legs/slippers too. The milliner in previous post was given seams at the hip so was capable of sitting (per request from buyer)
~~~Click here to get to her auction~~
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Milliner's Model
Those Skinny Milliner's model dolls! I haven't done one of these in sometime. Perhaps it is because I didn't want to be reminded of this winter weight I need to lose? wink wink.
As I'm cinching in her teeny tiny waist I start to wonder what it must have been
like back in the day when you were expected to look like this!!!
ANY who, I had forgotten how much fun they were to make. Who would of thought that carving wood (her arms and legs) could be so therapeutic?
But while I was going through fabrics for her dress, this is what I caught going on behind my back....hushed whispers and snickers coming from these two. Probably giving her some much need make-up advice or diet tips...LOL
I just hope it wasn't about me!!!
Thanks for dropping by and visiting for a spell!
Monday, January 12, 2009
I feel like a bear!
I've been hibernating!!! This is how it must feel to be a bear in wintertime! And what a winter it has been so far. I am a totally solar powered person, so this lack of sun is getting to me and making me feel sluggish. I just seem to shut down when it is gray and cold outdoors. On top of that, my computer was sluggish as well!!! Maybe I caught the bug from it, or vice versa, ha! But my very patient husband bought me a new, and much improved Dell for Christmas!!! I'm still getting the hang of it.
In the meantime I did manage to finish up this Itty and her friend (who was in
dire need of a makeover btw). You can visit them HERE if you'd like.
Thanks for visiting!!!!!!!!!! Nan
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