Both are waiting for new homes and you can visit them on Ebay if you click HERE
SOLD!!! To be notified when another Edward becomes available please Email me at: Papernan@msn.com
While away, we left poor Alice all on her lonesome and on our return, we found her holding a glass bottle with a handwritten note saying "drink me" . Hmmmmm, since it appears to be empty I can assume she did as told and well the rest is history (so to speak).
You can see her on Ebay Sunday Evening!
She'd love you to visit her there! to do so, Click Here
(Here's me looking off our balcony - quite the view, yes?)
But I have not neglected my doll-making entirely. I've been wanting to create another "Alice in Wonderland" for some time now.... and with the movie just out (which i still have not seen btw), was the much needed inspiration.
When we get back on the 8th of May I hope to get her finished and listed on Ebay.
Sure hope ya'll are having a beautiful and productive spring!!!!!
She and her minute pug will be on Ebay this evening along with her cousin, the Teeny Queeny (below)
Click here to view both auctions if you'd like